Terrence the Turtle makes a dash for the ocean.

In November, whilst in Costa Rica, we visited Tortuguero (Land of Turtles) National Park, and felt so privileged to witness the amazing sight of newly hatched green sea turtles, as they came up out of their nest on the beach to see the world for the first time. It was just before sunset, and  there were quite a few, but hubby chose to video this sweet little creature as he bravely scuttled across the sand making a bee-line for the safety of the Pacific Ocean. It must have been quite tough  and rugged terrain for those tiny flippers to negotiate, but as you can see, his determination never wavered for a moment.  I thought this video was appropriate for today as we go into the New Year, not knowing exactly what lies ahead of us. May we all be as focused and fearless as little Terrence, as we strive to reach our goals this year.

This is my entry for the WordPress Photo Challenge, ‘Beginning’.


87 comments on “Terrence the Turtle makes a dash for the ocean.

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning (3: it is a Baby!) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: The Weekly Photo Challenge: Beginning « blogagaini

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Beginning | WoollyMuses

  4. I’m with SidevieW on this one. How in the world did he know where he was going? I loved the way your husband took the video because you have the sense of not knowing where in the world the ocean was. He could have wandered in dry sand for hours instead of minutes. Such an incredible share, Sylvia. I posted it on FB. 🙂

  5. my reply to your comment wouldn’t go through, so let’s see if it goes through here!

    how great! your comment triggers my internet frustrations, as it’s all i can do to open a simple page or get a comment to go through! i’m hoping to have better internet in a few weeks, and i look forward to all of the posts i’ve been missing! i look forward to seeing the video! i also look forward to reading about your trip!

  6. such a lovely idea Sylvia … I can imagine us all scuttling successfully through 2014, not worrying too much about our chances of making it! Happy New Year! I hope you have some lovely travels planned to share with us 🙂

  7. I’m glad you saved this for the new start in the new year! Terrence sets such a grand example! Wishing you all the very, very best for this coming year! Happy Travels….

  8. Terrence is so, so cute. You should have heard the Ooohs and Aahs coming out of me and my big grown up son whilst we were watching that video, cheering on that plucky and determined little turtle. My son says that a lot of turtles don’t make it to the sea, so we were very pleased to see one that did.