One Word Sunday: Spiral

The subject of Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ is Spiral. I immediately thought of this spiral staircase leading up to the Cabiria Restaurant at the Marriott Grand Hotel Flora in Rome. We were whisked up to the roof deck by elevator, but after dinner, even after a few glasses of wine, hubby and I decided that this was a far more exciting way to get back down to ground level. On my winding descent, I counted 186 steps.

Wishing you all a splendid Sunday and new week ahead. It seems impossible that we’re almost into September and with not a skerrick of travelling done this year.

One Word Sunday: Arch

Debbie’s One Word for this Sunday, is ‘Arch’, which immediately brought to mind our visit to Spain and Morocco where arches are a very common architectural feature.

There are many arches inside the beautiful Cathedral of Cordoba
Beautiful arches also abound at the Alcázar of Seville
More arches at the entrance to the Royal Palace of Fez in Morocco.

To join Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click the link.

One Word Sunday: Bridge

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ this week, is ‘Bridge’.

Here are some bridge travel memories from our visit to London last year. The photos were taken from London Bridge, one of the many bridges which span the River Thames. The original bridge was a wooden construction, built by the Roman founders of London in 50AD. I wonder what they would think of it now.


The iconic Tower Bridge, officially opened in 1894 is one of London’s most famous landmarks.


In the other direction is Cannon Street Railway Bridge, which was opened in 1866. This bridge carries trains on the Southeastern line over the River Thames to Cannon Street Station.


Looking at these photos makes me long to be able to travel again. We were just chatting on the phone to our daughter in South Africa and to Chris’s mom in England, and saying how we can’t wait to be able to see and hug one another.

Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.

Floral Friday: Vanda Blooms Again

I have many orchids outside my kitchen window. I wish they could all bloom at the same time, but I’m always happy to see even one in bloom. This week, my orange Vanda is showing her true colours.


I read that this orchid represents “good fortune and happy blessings”, so I smile every time I see her through my window. I’m linking this post to ‘Cee’s FOTD Challenge‘.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Take care and be safe.

Pull Up A Seat Week 32: Travel Memories.

Not much travelling going on at the moment, but it’s good to look back on happy times.

Here’s my Mom-in-law eight years ago, when she was only ninety-nine. On our walk around Winkworth Arboretum in Surrey, we sat down for a rest on this beautifully chainsaw-carved owl bench.


Last year, whilst in Key West, we visited the Butterfly Conservatory, where there was of course, a butterfly bench. I think it was designed for decoration rather than comfort.


Not far away, was Ernest Hemingway’s  house and museum. He was a great cat lover and everywhere we looked there were cats lazing around, most of them polydactyl, which means that they have six or more toes on each paw.


To join inXingfuMama’s ‘Pull Up A Seat Challenge’, just click the link.

Wishing you a lovely Tuesday.

One-liner Wednesday: Born August 4th 1913

Yesterday, my darling Mom-in-law Kathleen celebrated her 107th birthday with her friends and the wonderful staff at the care home in England where she resides.




Since she turned 105, she now qualifies for a congratulations card from Queen Elizabeth every year.

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As the care home is in strict lock down during this pandemic, no visitors are allowed, not even family. We did however call her on FaceTime and she chatted to her grandchildren and great grandchildren too. She had a wonderful tea party with a gorgeous birthday cake.


The sides were decorated with sugar- icing broccoli and carrots because when she is asked “What is the secret of your longevity?” she now replies, “I eat broccoli and carrots every day with my dinner.”


I can remember a few years ago that her answer used to be “Chocolate and red wine.”


What an inspiration she is to us all. She is always happy and positive when we call and understands why she can’t have family visits. I think she really misses her Scrabble games with a couple of friends who used to come every Friday afternoon, but she keeps herself entertained with her favourite TV programmes and loves taking part in the chair aerobics that the staff organise for the residents.  I hope she continues in good health and that next year when this pesky Covid-19 is over, we’ll be able to visit her again.

To take part in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday Challenge’, just click the link.








One Word Sunday: Fruit

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday Challenge – Fruit‘ had me searching through my travel photos and this one taken in San Pedro Belize, came up first. It brought back memories of a sublime week spent there.


Is the coconut a fruit, a nut or a seed? Well, it’s actually classified by botanists as a Drupe which is a fleshy fruit containing a single nut or seed, so I guess it must be all three.

This very different photo of coconuts was taken on our morning walk around the neighbourhood here in Florida. It was garden trash day and these coconuts were on the sidewalk waiting for a ride to the dump. Such an ignominious end.


Coconuts always bring to mind funfairs visited as a child. The ‘Coconut Shy’ was a stall with a row of coconuts set upon wooden stands. You paid your three-pence and got three balls to aim at and try to dislodge them. If successful the coconuts were yours to take home. It wasn’t as easy as it looked, but I do remember that we occasionally did manage to get the prize. Once home again, my dad had to drill a hole in the end of the coconut to drain the milk into a jug, and then hit the thing with a hammer to break it. Not the most convenient fruit to get into, but it was lots of fun and delicious too.

Wishing you all a happy Sunday. It seems that hurricane ‘Isaias’ has passed us by with only a few hours of rain and wind to show for itself, for which I’m very grateful.