It’s A beautiful Day In The Neighbourhood.

“If you truly love Nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Every morning, hubby and I go for a three mile walk around our community. We are so blessed with the weather here in Florida and as long as we get out whilst it’s still quite cool, it’s really pleasant. We see a few walkers  and cyclists on our route and always smile and wave, occasionally exchanging a few encouraging words, from the required distance of course. Whilst it’s good to see some of our human neighbours, the beauty of nature is the best thing about our walks.

This lovely garden has a beautiful and fragrant Frangipani in bloom.


Danny and Daisy weren’t taking any chances and crossed the road to maintain social distancing.


Robbie rabbit turned his back on me, just in case.


Sammy  was also not in the mood for socialising.


The Great Egret just ignored me as he snootily strutted his stuff.


Almost home and time for breakfast, as we passed this lovely Angel Trumpet vine.


I so look forward to our daily walks. As John Muir noted, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”  Wishing you all a peaceful and safe weekend.








One Word Sunday: Inspiration

Seen at an art exhibition last month, a sculpture made out of bullet shells, entitled “Love”  is by Federico Uribe. This artist, from Columbia where violence is part of daily life, now lives in the US where there is also an epidemic of gun violence.  Symbols of violence take on a whimsical nature in this artist’s hands as he creates wonderful animal sculptures from ammunition.


Wishing you all a peaceful Sunday.

To join Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday Challenge’, just click the link.

Top Birds For Becky’s Challenge.

“Be happy in the moment, that’s enough. Each moment is all we need, not more.” ~ Mother Teresa

These two Northern Mockingbirds were merrily singing their hearts out this morning right at the very top of a palm tree.


It’s a beautiful day to go out walking here in Florida; blue sky, birds singing, neighbours waving and smiling. Hope you’re all keeping on top of things.

To join ‘Becky’s Square Tops Challenge’, just click the link.


Pull Up A Seat Challenge: Sitting In My Safe Space

Here’s my seat where I sit and converse with my three goldfish. I sometimes wonder whether they get bored swimming around in the same small pond and wish that they could get out into the big wide world, or maybe like myself they are content for now to be confined to their own safe space, out of harm’s way.


This was my comfortable seat yesterday, savouring a glass of Prosecco whilst contemplating whether my Easter Bunny should live or die. Sad to say, he did not survive the day.


I hope your weekend was also enjoyable.

To join in ‘XingFu Momma’s Pull Up A Seat Challenge Week #15’, just click the link.




A Fine Balancing Act

Hope you’re staying on top of things and not letting the lock-down get to you. Mr GBH has the right idea. He’s executing a fine balancing act and in doing so, seeing things from a different perspective.


How I would love to be able to fly up there and keep an eye on the whole neighbourhood from a really safe distance.



Feathers On Friday: Peri Shelters In Place

We’ve had four pelicans vacationing in the trees at the side of our lake for the winter. This week, we noticed that Peri was on his own. I think his three relatives had managed to get a flight back up north before the COVID-19 travel restrictions came into force. He must have decided to stay and enjoy the warmth of Florida for a while longer.

Now he pretty much has the lake with its abundant fish, all to himself.


I can almost see him smiling here as he frolics around practising take-offs


and landings.


For the moment, life is good and social distancing is no problem for him, as there isn’t much wildlife or even human activity around here at the moment. I feel as though we’re all holding our collective breath in unison, waiting for the next gripping episode.


Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend.