One-liner Wednesday: We Are The Survivors

Despite the culling of our iguanas, a few have obviously been smarter than the guy with the gun.

Young iggy is still bright green, but he’s already learning to keep a lookout for danger.

“Stepping out with my baby” are Ignatius and Igua, who in time will no doubt give the Iguana Control guy a run for his money.

Wishing you all a great rest of the week.

To join in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’ challenge, just click the link.



One-liner Wednesday: Born August 4th 1913

Yesterday, my darling Mom-in-law Kathleen celebrated her 107th birthday with her friends and the wonderful staff at the care home in England where she resides.




Since she turned 105, she now qualifies for a congratulations card from Queen Elizabeth every year.

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As the care home is in strict lock down during this pandemic, no visitors are allowed, not even family. We did however call her on FaceTime and she chatted to her grandchildren and great grandchildren too. She had a wonderful tea party with a gorgeous birthday cake.


The sides were decorated with sugar- icing broccoli and carrots because when she is asked “What is the secret of your longevity?” she now replies, “I eat broccoli and carrots every day with my dinner.”


I can remember a few years ago that her answer used to be “Chocolate and red wine.”


What an inspiration she is to us all. She is always happy and positive when we call and understands why she can’t have family visits. I think she really misses her Scrabble games with a couple of friends who used to come every Friday afternoon, but she keeps herself entertained with her favourite TV programmes and loves taking part in the chair aerobics that the staff organise for the residents.  I hope she continues in good health and that next year when this pesky Covid-19 is over, we’ll be able to visit her again.

To take part in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday Challenge’, just click the link.








One-liner Wednesday: First Water Lily Flower

This morning when I went out to feed my three goldfish, this is what I saw. Out of the dark depths, a beautiful flower had risen during the night to greet the day.


Every day, nature has more miracles to show us and often to astound us.

Wishing you all a wonder-filled Wednesday.

To join Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’, just click the link.


One-liner Wednesday: Keep Calm And Float On

Peri pelican, keeping afloat whilst calmly reflecting on life.


Wishing you all a safe and peaceful Wednesday.

To join in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’, just click the link.


One-liner Wednesday: What a Gorgeous Display

How could any lady Great Egret resist such a courting display?


Wishing you all an exceptional Wednesday.

To join Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday challenge’,click the link.



One-Liner Wednesday: Raider Of The Disappearing Birdseed.

Sammy squirrel was delighted to find that the bird feeder had just been refilled.


Hope your Wednesday is going as well as Sammy’s is.

To join in Linda’s‘One-Liner Wednesday’,click the link.


One-liner Wednesday: More Bathroom Window Sightings.

It’s always exciting to see who I can spy through my bathroom window.

Beaky the white ibis.


Tommy the red-bellied turtle.


Jack the Blue Jay.


Picus the Red-bellied Woodpecker.


Wishing you all a very happy Wednesday.

You can join Linda’s ‘One-Liner Wednesday’ by clicking the link.
