Feathers On Friday: The Pelicans Return

We have been anxiously watching the trees on the left of our property for signs of our snowbird pelicans who usually arrive in November. Just when we’d almost given up hope, Perri and Penny suddenly appeared last weekend.

To our surprise and delight, a couple of days ago we looked across from our kitchen window and spied not two, but six of these wonderful birds.

The one on his own was obviously not a ‘morning person’, but the group of five were really making sure they looked their very best before going off in search of breakfast.

I hope that, having arrived late, they will stick around so that we can enjoy them for a bit longer.

Wishing you all a perfect weekend.

Feathers On Friday: An Unusual Visitor

I was really surprised to look out of my bathroom window and see this new visitor to my backyard. The Black-crowned Night Heron is usually nocturnal, so its appearance at around midday was most unexpected. It’s the first time I’ve seen one of these and I had to consult my ‘Birds Of South East Florida Guide’ to identify it.

We have our family visiting from New Jersey at the moment and are having a great time together. It’s been well over a year since we saw them, so it’s very special to spend precious time together. Wishing you all a great weekend.

Feathers On Friday: A Backyard Meeting

Yesterday through my bathroom window, I spied with my little eye………..a huddle of white Ibis congregating for Thanksgiving.

No doubt they were giving thanks for the abundance of insects, small frogs, snails, worms and fish to be found along the water’s edge.

Our Thanksgiving was quiet, peaceful and delicious and I’m sure we’re going to be eating cold turkey for the foreseeable future, not to mention the delicious Tiramisu I made for dessert.

Wishing you all a great weekend. Stay safe.

One Word Sunday: A Pair Of Love Birds

Perry and Penelope Pelican, snuggling together on a branch.


Hope your Sunday is also a happy one.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click this link.


Feathers on Friday: A Quartet Of Ibis

Through my kitchen window, I spotted this quartet of white Ibis balanced precariously in the trees alongside our lake. It was almost as though they were posing for a photo op.


According to Native American folklore, the white ibis is a symbol of both danger and optimism because it’s been noticed that they are the last to seek shelter before a hurricane and the first to emerge afterwards, so I’d better keep an eye on those Ibis.

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend.

Feathers On Friday: Miss Rosie Is In The Pink

Miss Rosie is a very infrequent visitor to our backyard, so it was such a delight to see her again. When I first spotted her outside my bathroom window, she was socially distancing with the Great Blue and the Tricolored Herons. The trio were scanning the lake for a fishing opportunity.


After a while the others got bored and wandered off further along the bank, leaving her alone and before long she obviously saw what she was looking for.


Here, she looks quite pleased with herself, don’t you think?


Wishing you all a splendid weekend, whatever you have planned. Our country club started to open up a bit from the lockdown and we booked to have a meal outside on the covered patio with a couple of friends. Before it could happen though, we got a message that one of the wait-staff had tested positive for the Coronavirus, so they were having to close down again. I can’t imagine when this is going to end as the numbers in Florida are way up again.


Feathers On Friday: Great Egret Gets His Fish

Great Egret really believed he’d got lucky yesterday lunchtime. I could almost hear that poor fish thinking, “Uh-oh, I’m about to be someone’s lunch!”


He was a bit too big for Great Egret to manoevre and making a supreme effort, he managed and wriggle free.


But Great Egret wasn’t giving up so easily. “Not so fast, young fishie! Here I come again.”




Poor fishie really should have stayed home. Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend.










Feathers On Friday: Woody Speaks His Mind

“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is what it also takes to sit down and listen.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill

Woody wood stork is not afraid to say his piece,


after which, he sits down again.


“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would rather have talked.” ~ Mark Twain

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend.

Feathers On Friday: Gentle Neighbours

On our morning walk, Muriel Muscovy approached me with that “Do you have any treats for me?” look on her face. Sad to say, all I had in my pocket was a tissue.


I invited her to come join the ducks under my bird feeder, where there are always lots of  seeds scattered in the grass.


She might even meet Mr Blue Jay who is also a frequent visitor, The more the merrier.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend, as peaceful as the wildlife in my backyard.