Silent Sunday: Anyone Missing A Feather?

On my nature walk this morning, I came upon this feather someone had stuck in the boardwalk guard-rail. A Forrest Gump moment which made me think of this quote,

“I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like  on a breeze, but I think maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.”


Happy Sunday everyone.


Feathers On Friday: “Wow, Look At Me Now!”

The Gray-headed Swamp Hen,  a vividly coloured bird in the Florida swamp, shows off his gaudy outfit.  How many of you could get away with wearing his colour combination of cherry red hat, iridescent sky blue, aquamarine, indigo and violet suit, together with school-bus yellow leggings and footwear? He really is a flashy dresser


Wishing you all a splendid weekend.

Pull Up A Seat With Grandchildren

For XingfuMama’s ‘Pull Up A Seat Challenge’, here are a few seats which my grandchildren have enjoyed playing on in recent years.

The local mall has a play area for when they come to visit us in Florida.


It’s always wonderful to see children enjoying simple pleasures.


Who of us doesn’t remember the thrill of playing on the swings in the local park? Some things never change.


When Sienna came to visit us in Johannesburg she wasn’t too old to enjoy the playground swings.


Likewise with the rides in the shopping mall.


A few years ago, this was my teenage grandson’s favourite seat as he wobbled around on his unicycle which he’d bought with our birthday money. He actually became quite proficient  on it, but alas such fads blossom and then die, so it now languishes in a corner of the garage.


Thanks for looking at my nostalgic photos.  To join in XingfuMama’s ‘Pull Up A Seat ‘ challenge, just click the link. I hope you’re all having a good day.


Just Another Rainy Sunday Afternoon

‘Woody Wood Stork’ and his backing group ‘The White Ibis’, singing in the rain. Another amazing scene through my bathroom window.


Hope your Sunday weather is brighter than this.