Feathers On Friday: What A Poser!

Mr. GBH has now taken over the perch vacated by Perry pelican who has, now that Florida’s weather has really started to heat up in readiness for what will undoubtedly be another searing summer, flown off on his journey back to cooler climes

My first shot today, caught him unawares and he therefore looks quite boringly stream-lined,

but when he became aware that he was being photographed for my blog, he decided to pull out all the stops and do his full frontal yoga pose, together with a slight left turn of his head to show his best side. You have to admire his special brand of pizazz. He’s a real natural.

Wishing you all a most relaxing weekend.

Feathers On Friday: An Unusual Visitor

I was really surprised to look out of my bathroom window and see this new visitor to my backyard. The Black-crowned Night Heron is usually nocturnal, so its appearance at around midday was most unexpected. It’s the first time I’ve seen one of these and I had to consult my ‘Birds Of South East Florida Guide’ to identify it.

We have our family visiting from New Jersey at the moment and are having a great time together. It’s been well over a year since we saw them, so it’s very special to spend precious time together. Wishing you all a great weekend.