Feathers On Friday: The Pelicans Return

We have been anxiously watching the trees on the left of our property for signs of our snowbird pelicans who usually arrive in November. Just when we’d almost given up hope, Perri and Penny suddenly appeared last weekend.

To our surprise and delight, a couple of days ago we looked across from our kitchen window and spied not two, but six of these wonderful birds.

The one on his own was obviously not a ‘morning person’, but the group of five were really making sure they looked their very best before going off in search of breakfast.

I hope that, having arrived late, they will stick around so that we can enjoy them for a bit longer.

Wishing you all a perfect weekend.

Feathers On Friday: Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane?

It’s Mr. GBH heading for home after a good day’s fishing.

It’s been a good week and on Wednesday, hubby and I were fortunate enough to receive our first Covid19 vaccinations. Our second ones are scheduled for early March, so now I feel much more relaxed about the family coming to visit in early April. Wishing you all a relaxing but fruitful weekend.

Feathers On Friday: A Backyard Meeting

Yesterday through my bathroom window, I spied with my little eye………..a huddle of white Ibis congregating for Thanksgiving.

No doubt they were giving thanks for the abundance of insects, small frogs, snails, worms and fish to be found along the water’s edge.

Our Thanksgiving was quiet, peaceful and delicious and I’m sure we’re going to be eating cold turkey for the foreseeable future, not to mention the delicious Tiramisu I made for dessert.

Wishing you all a great weekend. Stay safe.

One-liner Wednesday: We Are The Survivors

Despite the culling of our iguanas, a few have obviously been smarter than the guy with the gun.

Young iggy is still bright green, but he’s already learning to keep a lookout for danger.

“Stepping out with my baby” are Ignatius and Igua, who in time will no doubt give the Iguana Control guy a run for his money.

Wishing you all a great rest of the week.

To join in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’ challenge, just click the link.



Floral Friday: Vanda Blooms Again

I have many orchids outside my kitchen window. I wish they could all bloom at the same time, but I’m always happy to see even one in bloom. This week, my orange Vanda is showing her true colours.


I read that this orchid represents “good fortune and happy blessings”, so I smile every time I see her through my window. I’m linking this post to ‘Cee’s FOTD Challenge‘.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Take care and be safe.

One Word Sunday: Fruit

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday Challenge – Fruit‘ had me searching through my travel photos and this one taken in San Pedro Belize, came up first. It brought back memories of a sublime week spent there.


Is the coconut a fruit, a nut or a seed? Well, it’s actually classified by botanists as a Drupe which is a fleshy fruit containing a single nut or seed, so I guess it must be all three.

This very different photo of coconuts was taken on our morning walk around the neighbourhood here in Florida. It was garden trash day and these coconuts were on the sidewalk waiting for a ride to the dump. Such an ignominious end.


Coconuts always bring to mind funfairs visited as a child. The ‘Coconut Shy’ was a stall with a row of coconuts set upon wooden stands. You paid your three-pence and got three balls to aim at and try to dislodge them. If successful the coconuts were yours to take home. It wasn’t as easy as it looked, but I do remember that we occasionally did manage to get the prize. Once home again, my dad had to drill a hole in the end of the coconut to drain the milk into a jug, and then hit the thing with a hammer to break it. Not the most convenient fruit to get into, but it was lots of fun and delicious too.

Wishing you all a happy Sunday. It seems that hurricane ‘Isaias’ has passed us by with only a few hours of rain and wind to show for itself, for which I’m very grateful.


One Word Sunday: Nosy

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday – Nosy’ Challenge’ reminded me of this fella who, having climbed into the hibiscus bush outside my bathroom window was peering intently at me as I emerged from the shower. Luckily, I had my camera to hand to record the evidence of this nosy Iguana-shaped ‘peeping Tom’.


To join in Debbie’s One Word Sunday Challenge, just click the link.