Feathers On Friday: Rosie Is Back Again

Rosie Spoonbill really likes to look her best for her photo shoots. It takes a lot of work to get those pink feathers just so.

Almost there; just adding the finishing touches.

Now I’ll give my wings an airing, just to be sure everything is perfect.

A little later, she appeared in my backyard for a bathroom window shot.

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend as you find the beauty in every day.

Feathers On Friday: Miss Rosie Is In The Pink

Miss Rosie is a very infrequent visitor to our backyard, so it was such a delight to see her again. When I first spotted her outside my bathroom window, she was socially distancing with the Great Blue and the Tricolored Herons. The trio were scanning the lake for a fishing opportunity.


After a while the others got bored and wandered off further along the bank, leaving her alone and before long she obviously saw what she was looking for.


Here, she looks quite pleased with herself, don’t you think?


Wishing you all a splendid weekend, whatever you have planned. Our country club started to open up a bit from the lockdown and we booked to have a meal outside on the covered patio with a couple of friends. Before it could happen though, we got a message that one of the wait-staff had tested positive for the Coronavirus, so they were having to close down again. I can’t imagine when this is going to end as the numbers in Florida are way up again.


One Liner Wednesday: Rosie Fits The Bill

Pretty in pink and with her distinctive spatula-shaped bill, Rosie is on the hunt for delectables in the shallow waters along the edge of the lake.



For Linda’s‘One-Liner Wednesday’.


Six Word Saturday: Rosie Is Feeling In The Pink

Rosie Spoonbill put in an appearance today. She was intently foraging among the sand and plants along the water’s edge, searching for shrimp, frogs, insects, crustaceans and plant bulbs.


Wishing you all a splendid weekend.

To join in Debbie’s six word challenge, just click the link.


Welcome Easter Visitors

How lovely it was to see Rosie Spoonbill down at the water’s edge on Sunday morning. She’s back again today, so I’m hoping she’ll be a regular visitor.


What would Easter be without a Bunny hopping by,


or Mrs Beakley proudly showing off her new brood of  ducklings?


Wishing you all a great week ahead.