Feathers On Friday: The Pelicans Return

We have been anxiously watching the trees on the left of our property for signs of our snowbird pelicans who usually arrive in November. Just when we’d almost given up hope, Perri and Penny suddenly appeared last weekend.

To our surprise and delight, a couple of days ago we looked across from our kitchen window and spied not two, but six of these wonderful birds.

The one on his own was obviously not a ‘morning person’, but the group of five were really making sure they looked their very best before going off in search of breakfast.

I hope that, having arrived late, they will stick around so that we can enjoy them for a bit longer.

Wishing you all a perfect weekend.

53 comments on “Feathers On Friday: The Pelicans Return

  1. Wonderful shots of the pelicans, Sylvia. Lovely to hear they appeared the other day, and looked like the whole flock came out. Hehe, it really did look like that one on the end is not a morning person as you said. I’m sure food cheered him up shortly 😀 Hope you are doing well 💓

  2. Maybe Perri and Penny had kids and had to wait for them to grow up before the big trip. Not to mention the, “no, fly this direction” and “no, we’re not there yet” problems…

  3. We love our pelicans here in Kiawah Sylvia but ours are much darker than these, which are really beautiful! Also I’ve never seen ours in a tree, they’re always in formation flying overhead or sitting beside our ponds. I love these and the way you captured them in the greenery!

  4. We’ve been enjoying the white pelicans for a few weeks.

    One day there were 50-60 floating (and fishing) on one of the lakes in our neighborhood. They go through a ton of fish! 😀

  5. Its nice knowing that some things don’t change Sylvia even if we have to wait a little longer sometimes for them to happen ! Welcome back Perri and Penny . Funny we have two magpies we’ve been keeping watching on for atleast 3 years – Percy and Priscilla- haha
    Have a lovely weekend ! xx

  6. Hurrah! They’re back! I’ll have to get to the Preserve and see whether any of ours are back/still around. I’ve never seen them perched in the trees there, though I’m sure they do at some time. Usually the white birds in the trees that I see are egrets. 🙂

  7. There is something comforting to see the birds returning in an orderly fashion. Doing what is best for the flock etc.
    As opposed to man doing everything (it seems) to disrupt human activity.
    We might learn a little cooperation from them. 🙂

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