One Word Sunday: Spectacle

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday -Spectacle’, immediately brought this photo to mind. Machu Picchu is a 15th century Inca citadel in Southern Peru and after it’s discovery by Hiram Bingham in July 1911, it became one of the ‘New 7 Wonders Of The World’. It is most certainly a stunning spectacle to behold and to explore and I was very happy to be able to cross it off my Bucket List.

I hope you’re all having a most enjoyable weekend. Yesterday, Ali Baba our resident alligator came cruising past our kitchen window. Now there’s another spectacle for you, but he’d unfortunately disappeared again before I could grab my camera and go out to wish him a very good morning.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click the link.

One Word Sunday: Three

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ challenge is ‘Three’ and last night whilst out for dinner with friends at a lovely beachfront restaurant, I ordered the lobster and crab stuffed shrimp. There were just three of these delicious morsels nestled on creamy mashed potato, surrounded by crispy fried onion strips and decorated with a beautiful orchid flower. Mmmm!

Hope you’re all having a splendid weekend.

Feathers On Friday: Rosie Is Back Again

Rosie Spoonbill really likes to look her best for her photo shoots. It takes a lot of work to get those pink feathers just so.

Almost there; just adding the finishing touches.

Now I’ll give my wings an airing, just to be sure everything is perfect.

A little later, she appeared in my backyard for a bathroom window shot.

Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend as you find the beauty in every day.

One Word Sunday: Wet

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday Challenge’ is Wet and who hasn’t got some photos featuring water?

Here is where I would really like to be at the moment, in Umhlanga sitting on a bench looking out at the Indian Ocean.

Here in Florida, there are many birds who enjoy getting wet, like Mr Peli.

Last spring we spotted a few wet baby alligators enjoying a swim.

If you want to see a serious amount of wetness, then go to Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. Although it’s neither the widest nor highest waterfall in the world, it still happens to be the world’s largest sheet of falling water, and you can’t get much wetter than that.


Hope you’re all having a great Sunday.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday Challenge‘, just click the link.




One-liner Wednesday: We Are The Survivors

Despite the culling of our iguanas, a few have obviously been smarter than the guy with the gun.

Young iggy is still bright green, but he’s already learning to keep a lookout for danger.

“Stepping out with my baby” are Ignatius and Igua, who in time will no doubt give the Iguana Control guy a run for his money.

Wishing you all a great rest of the week.

To join in Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’ challenge, just click the link.