Glowing ‘O’range for Ed’s Sunday Stills

Our Florida sunset on Monday evening was just too beautiful not to share, and Ed’s Sunday Stills Challenge ‘The letter O”  is the perfect opportunity.

I was preparing dinner when happening to glance out of the window, I saw this.


It looked really promising, so the cooking had to wait for a while, as I’m a real sucker for a good sunset.


I really wish those houses weren’t on the other side of the lake, but I suppose the people have to live somewhere.


A few minutes later, it looked as though they were in the midst of a raging inferno.


Mother nature really does have the best shades of ‘O’range, doesn’t she?


Wishing you all a bright and happy weekend.

Beautifully Arranged for Thursday’s Special

Paula’s Thursday Special this week, is ‘Arranged’. There is always a stunning floral arrangement in the reception area of our clubhouse. I’ve never seen it being arranged, so can only assume that the flower fairies must do it overnight.


You can pop over to see Paula’s clever interpretation, by clicking the badge below,




Beauty acknowledged

“Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth’s lips spoken without a sound.” ~ Edwin Curran

From the sidewalk, this sweet little face peered up at me, as if saying, “Please notice me. I’ve been through so much trauma just to get here.”



Expressing myself for the WPC

“Be yourself – not your idea of what you think someone else’s idea of yourself should be. “ ~ Henry David Thoreau

This week, Krista challenges us to show what “express yourself” means to us.

I enjoy expressing myself with my piano music, although nowadays I don’t play nearly as often as I used to.

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My eyes often express what I’m feeling, like in this photo of hubby and happy me.


I love to express my joy at being granny to my adorable grandkids.


I adore travel, but as clothes are part of my way of expressing my individuality, I don’t tend to travel light.


Taking every opportunity for a bit of fun that comes along, ensures that I have a great time wherever I find myself.



I’m also not averse to expressing my ‘No Fear’ with a bit of up in the air riskiness, as long as I know I’ll be coming back down to terra firma afterwards.


Pretty shoes are important to me, but on the odd occasion, I don’t mind expressing my sense of adventure in really ugly wellies.


So, how do you express yourself, or what photos do you have of of someone else expressing themselves? You can join the challenge by clicking this lovely badge created by ‘firstandfabulous’ Gemma.





She sells sea shells

On our brief trip to the West Coast, we visited the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum in Sanibel. They have a really amazing shell collection, and so much information on each one. Fortunately photos were permitted, so I got a few shots of some the pretty things that have been created using shells.


I thought his Victorian decorative screen was particularly beautiful.


Here is a gallery of some of the smaller artefacts. (Click to enlarge and see more detail.)

Disappointingly, there wasn’t anything I wanted to buy in the shop there, but on our way to Captiva, I saw a shop called ‘She Sells Sea Shells’, and bought this rather lovely Conch shell as a souvenir to take home.


There were quite a few of the exhibits I wouldn’t have minded bringing back with me as well, especially those Paua shell eggs. Which was your favourite?


Mischievous Squirrel for Ailsa’s Travel Theme

Almost every day, I see two mischievous squirrels chasing one another up and down the palm trees in my backyard.


Usually they’re much too quick for me to get a photo, and are gone again before I’ve had time to grab my camera. Yesterday one of them decided to play a trick on his friend, and raced around the corner of the house to hide behind the barbeque. This was when I got my chance for a quick snap, as squirrel #2 came down the tree and appeared baffled as to where his playmate had disappeared to. He stood still for a few seconds, trying to work it out, which gave me just enough time to capture the mischievous look on his sweet face, before he scampered off in search of his playmate. You can almost see his little mind working away, can’t you?


Wishing you all a splendid weekend, and do try to stay out of mischief. 😉

To see more entries for the Travel Theme, click the link.



Seeing Double for Colline’s ‘Gratitude Project’

I usually only see one Anhinga at a time in my backyard, but yesterday, this pair flew in and stayed for quite a while, happily drying their wings in the sunshine. Can you hear the one on the right, singing “Oh what a beautiful morning?”


One of the best things for me about living here in Florida, is the wonderful bird life right on my doorstep. It’s a daily gratitude to be able to watch their comings and goings.

Each week, Colline invites us to share something that we’re grateful for. Check out her blog by clicking the Gratitude logo.

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