An Orange Sunrise

Jude of ‘Travel Words’ blog has challenged us to post something orange. This is the gorgeous sunrise over the Indian Ocean which I photographed from our balcony the day before my hip surgery.

I would like to thank all of you who sent good wishes to me for a positive outcome and speedy recovery. The surgery went very well and I was allowed to leave hospital the next morning after the physio and the surgeon had checked on me. I am recovering well and don’t have much discomfort or pain. I’m so grateful that I was able to get an operation done so quickly and with a surgeon who is really stellar

Wishing you all a great weekend. To join in Jude’s Orange challenge, just click the link.

One Word Sunday: Rock

Debbie’s One Word Sunday Challenge this week, is ‘Rock’. As some of my blog followers may remember, I am now in South Africa after a two and a half year absence. We started off in Johannesburg for a week with our daughter and son-in-law, then drove down to the coast to Umhlanga Rocks, the seaside town where we used to live. As its name suggests, there are many rocks along the shoreline.

Some of the rocks are rather large.

My favourite lighthouse has been warning ships off these rocks since 1954.

The sad news is that so far, I haven’t been able to walk along the promenade to see the lighthouse up close, as my left hip which has been giving me problems for quite some time now, has finally decided it needs replacing. Tuesday is the day when this will happen, so I may be absent for a little while. I’m very grateful to have found a highly recommended surgeon here to do the deed. See you all soon.

To join in Debbie’s ‘Rock’ challenge, just click the link.

One Word Sunday: Rain

The theme this week for Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ is Rain. We did have quite a nice downpour yesterday, which I photographed through my kitchen window.

Today it’s bright and sunny and I really must begin packing as we leave on Tuesday for South Africa. I’m so looking forward to seeing our daughter Mandy on Wednesday. Apparently, her cat Ravioli is also beside herself with excitement and yesterday was in full party mode to celebrate her 16th birthday.

It’s going to be a wonderful reunion after two years apart.

Wishing you all a very happy Sunday. I’ll post some photos from South Africa soon.

To join Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click the link.