If music be the food of love……we don’t have any.

We seem to have been eating at The Oyster Box Hotel quite a lot recently, so decided that before we leave here, we should pay a visit to our second favourite restaurant, ‘The Sugar Club’ at the Beverly Hills Hotel, right next door.


We haven’t been there for a couple of years, but have great memories of live music, a great menu which always included a divine Lobster Bisque, and their ‘pièce de résistance, Crêpes Suzette made and flambéed at the table by the Maître d’. I was so looking forward to ordering both these dishes.


When hubby phoned to book for Friday evening, he asked if there would be live music, and after being told that they only have it on Saturdays now, he changed the booking accordingly, and stipulated that we would like a table near the piano.


I have played this piano a couple of times as a stand in for the regular pianist, but alas, this time no musician turned up. We hoped he was just running late, but as the evening wore on, it was obvious that there would be no live music. The Lobster Bisque had also disappeared from the menu, so we both settled for fresh pear and gorgonzola salad with crispy proscuitto. It was delicious.


Although the food was excellent, the usual ambience was sadly missing. The lady on the desk asked us if everything was to our liking, so I confessed that I was really disappointed about the music. She apologised, and said that the previous evening they’d had a really good duo who played and sang until 10-30pm.  I said that if we hadn’t been told that there was only music on a Saturday, we would have been there to enjoy it. After our main course, we ordered dessert, and whilst we were waiting, Tony the chef appeared, and came over for a chat.


After we’d exchanged life histories, he also apologised for the lack of live music, and said that to recompense us, our desserts would be on the house. That did cheer us up somewhat. What a nice gesture! He said that they’d changed the menu the previous weekend, so I missed out on the Crêpes Suzette by a few days.  I compromised with this ‘White Chocolate Sphere’, and every spoonful was absolutely heavenly. You know when you really want something to never end? Well this was one of those times.


Tony had disappeared in the direction of the bar, and soon returned with two glasses of Moët et Chandon, which was another nice touch.



On the way out, we noticed in the foyer, that there was a huge bottle on display, so I’m sure that our two tipples didn’t even make a dent.


I really wouldn’t have minded taking a few of these orchids home with me, though.


This is our last weekend living here in Umhlanga. End of an era really, and it’s only fitting that it should end with a celebration. Tomorrow we’ll be off up the hill for BiL’s 60th Birthday lunch. So much eating going on. Last night we were at a dinner party with friends, and on Sunday evening we’ve booked at ‘Angelo’s’, our favourite Italian restaurant ever. Better to go out with a bang than a whimper; don’t you agree?

Wishing you all a great weekend, and don’t eat too much. 🙂







95 comments on “If music be the food of love……we don’t have any.

  1. Times are changing and the attempt to refresh memories is often lacking. Still, nice people tried to make that goodbye more memorable for you. I miss seeing you by the piano Sylvia. Were you tempted to give your musical exit?

  2. Thought the night didn’t go completely as planned, I do think it speaks volumes about the establishment that they responded so quickly to your comments. Tony, the chef, did try to make amends and it sounds like your evening ended on a high note. That dessert would heal many wounds. 🙂

  3. Ahh…sorry about the let-downs Sylvia, but even though you didn’t get the dishes you hoped for what you did have looks and sounds absolutely delicious. Nice touch with the bubbly too, love the happy pics! That is annoying about the music though. Still, you can leave with happy memories as you look forward to your new start. I don’t blame you getting in all your favourite dining before you leave and I hope you had a wonderful time at every one, and birthday celebrations too! Sounds like the perfect weekend 🙂 xx

  4. Though it didn’t go as originally planned, I think all’s well that ends well. Especially ending with that dessert! Yum!
    P. S. I was expecting to read that you took over on the piano! Did the thought cross your mind?

  5. It sounds like your ending an era in style with wonderful food and friends. Now it will be on to a new adventure and a new home waiting for you to fix and make your own.

  6. mmm mm and mmm – there is a lot of eating going on – looks like a great place and while I do not like lobster all that much – I enjoy lobster bisque if it is made right – and even if you did not have any – at least you had some “Moët et Chandon” – and funny but I was just thinking about the first time I tried this – it was in the early 1990’s when I worked at a comedy club – and guess what? They had the jumbo bottles on display too – like in your photo –
    anyhow, best wishes at the b-day lunch – and I like your heart necklace.

    • Definitely too much deliciousness going on in my life at the moment, Yvette. Thanks for your comment about my necklace. It was an anniversary present from hubby. It’s called a ‘journey pendant’ because the diamonds are set in a graduated sequence mirroring how love grows over time. 🙂

  7. That was a lovely gesture ad. Your last weekend there, but also a happy new start. I am so grateful for the internet ad, otherwise I would be very sad to not have you as a bloggy friend ❤

  8. This post touched my heart … I enjoyed your text so much … And of course your photos …
    I must say, you are a stunning woman in so many ways … And you and Hubby ended this era with style … Even if it did not turned out to be the way you have been looking forward to at the restaurant …

    A new era is starting now … Looking forward to follow it …
    Hugs to you … // Maria 🙂

    • Thanks so much for your lovely comment, Maria. Yes, the evening did turn out fine after all, and it also gave me a story to tell. I’m excited about our new era. Off with the old and on with the new. 🙂 Hugs to you and Yarri. xx

  9. What a great evening, Sylvia. Pity about the live music, but the staff seemed very friendly and down-to-earth. I supposed that more than made up for it. I love that pan-fire shot – that flame is humongous!

  10. I was sure that you were going to tell us that they asked you to get up from your lovely dinner and play the piano for your meal. But no… a free dessert, and again I just wonder, wonder, wonder where you put it all? Do you take a bite, and hide the rest under the table cloth? Do you send the calories across the internet to flow from my keyboard into my tummy? hmmmmm. And I thought we were good friends! ;|

  11. Scrolling down reading, I thought you were going to play the piano! This post would had been awful if not for those seriously, seriously very scrumptious food. 😉 Time for lunch for me. See yah!

    • Thanks, Zach. Yes, we do travel quite a lot, and have definitely been to South America. We did a round the world trip which took in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Machu Picchu is one of the most awesome places I’ve ever visited.

    • Thanks so much for the good wishes, Lisa. Yes, not much chance of cutting down on the calories just yet. We go up to our daughter’s in Johannesburg next week. She cooks like a dream, and I know she also has a few restaurant visits lined up too. *sigh*

  12. Don’t eat too much, she says while shoveling it in, just shoveling it in! But then there is nothing like shoveling it in at hotels, just shoveling it in. To misquote someone who messed up boats or something.
    Have an hilarious weekend and the rest of the week.

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