Travel Theme: Bark Surprise

Ailsa’s Travel Theme ‘Bark’, reminded me of our walk through the beautiful Parque Forestal in Santiago Chile. So many trees and benches there, but I had never seen such a surprised tree as this one.


Some people have very weird imaginations and can’t resist defacing objects which don’t belong to them in order to share their quirky ideas with passing strangers. I’m sure there must be a name for this disorder; something like CGS…Compulsive Graffiti Syndrome.

Wishing you all a very relaxing and happy weekend.


53 comments on “Travel Theme: Bark Surprise

  1. That should be against graffitti code rules to deface beautiful things in nature. I totally agree with you this is unnatural and unfair to the poor tree. I am a new blogger and am looking for followers. I’m in college in a social media class if you would follow me I would greatly appreciate it. Either way thank you for your inspirational writings. And I hope to see more of your work. πŸ™‚

  2. I couldn’t help being a little bit happy seeing this! It is too bad it wasn’t in a washable paint, though. Sylvia, it’s good to see different kinds of posts. Never a Dull moment in Paradise. πŸ˜‰

  3. There’s one for the medical textbooks. I don’t mind graffiti so much on walls but I don’t like it so much on natural pieces. The tree does look terribly surprised. πŸ™‚

  4. Generally speaking I’m not a huge fan of graffiti, but I must admit that this example did at least make me laugh. With any luck, the paint will wear off quickly. πŸ™‚

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