One Word Sunday: Exhibit

Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ for this week is ‘Exhibit’. I’m a bit tardy with my contribution, as my mind is on our forthcoming trip to South Africa in early October.

I’ve chosen this exhibit which I saw at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. The original bronze sculpture lies in the Cimitero Evangelico degli Allori on the outskirts of Florence. Elizabeth Boott Duveneck 1846-1888 was the beloved wife of the American painter Frank Duvenek.

I think this is one of the most peaceful funerary monuments that I’ve ever seen and obviously was created with so much love. Her calm facial features, the beautiful folds of her covering and the palm branch draped across her body, I found very moving. A lovely ‘Exhibit’.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click the link, but be quick, as the week is almost gone.

36 comments on “One Word Sunday: Exhibit

  1. Sylvia – I agree this funerary monument was created with love. Elizabeth has a exquisite peacefulness in her expression and in her resting position. I had to find out more about her. What an adventurer. From Wikipedia: “Boott encouraged her teacher Frank Duveneck to move to Florence, with the idea of having him teach a class of women artists – instruction of a sort that was just then coming into vogue”. Can you imagine living in Villa Castellani – which was designed by a 15th century follow of Michelangelo. Thank you so much for this introduction. Have a wonderful trip – so excited for you!

    • Thanks as always for your informed comment, Rebecca. Yes, ‘Lizzie’ was a remarkably accomplished woman who led a very full life. It’s really tragic that she died so young, leaving a grieving husband and young child.
      I’m sure our trip to South Africa will be wonderful. So much excitement and anticipation right now. xxx

  2. Indeed a lovely exhibit. (I still wouldn’t want to do that for my passed away beloved….. it would be too painfiul to see them like that. I rather have them in my memory.) As we know it was then ok to do so. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. What a beautiful bronze sculpture! The calm face and lovely folds in the garment are lovely. Have a lovely time in South Africa, what could be better than seeing family and friends. Take some photos to show us all when you get back home.

  4. That is lovely and quite unusual with the frond. Also golden so it fits in beautifully with my gold challenge this month. Enjoy your trip to SA, hope it all goes smoothly and you stay safe out there.

  5. Absolutely lovely exhibit. It simply breaths peace, calm and love. What a tremendous tribute to a loved one.

    Wishing you all the very best on your travels. It’ll be good to visit loved ones again! 💕