My roof’s got a hole in it and I might drown.

Finally, last week, the roofing contractor started work on replacing the roof of our house in Florida. When we were looking to buy a house there three years ago, we saw this one and really liked it.

7884 Bridlington 2

Unfortunately it was a bank repossession, and to negotiate to buy it would have been a very long term thing, so we bought another house instead. This house had been abandoned by the owner, because he couldn’t afford to get the roof repaired after it was damaged in a hurricane. Three years later, just before we left to come back to South Africa for six months, we learned that it was still standing empty, and that the bank had, in the meantime, turned down a couple of offers on it. We decided to try putting in an offer to purchase, and to persevere until we got the bank to sell to us. Of course, by this time, the roof was in a much worse condition; some of the ceilings had collapsed, and the poor house looked quite a wreck inside.


It was the wonderful view from the lounge which really waved to us.


In May, after lots of haggling over the price, we were overjoyed to hear that the bank had finally decided to accept our offer. Of course, the first thing to do once we got possession, was to organise to get the roof replaced. We chose a contractor and hubby got all the necessary permits sorted out, but because of torrential rains, the roofing guy only managed to complete the other jobs he had, last week.

We were so excited when he sent us a message to say that he had actually started work on ours, and he sent us a few photos of the progress.

The clay tiles are being delivered today, so the job should soon be completed and we can heave a huge sigh of relief. I’ll no longer have to sing this song every time I look at the weather for Florida, and see that it’s raining again. 🙂

95 comments on “My roof’s got a hole in it and I might drown.

  1. It sounds like the house was meant to be yours. I know that it will be a long project but the potential is wonderful. I know the two of you are anxious to get started into turning it into your new home for the future.

  2. What a relief, so happy for you Sylvia that at last you don’t have to be singing this little ditty when you hear of rain in Florida, although it is very catchy! Your patience certainly paid off and how wonderful to see the progress. You must be getting very excited now… 🙂 xx

  3. Oh boy ! “That’s another fine mess you…….” Glad your roof is fixed Sylvia. Mind you a hole in the roof has many benefits, free air conditioning, free shower, and you can look at the stars at night 😉 Ralph xox ❤

  4. LOVE that song…. one of my favorites from eons ago! Thanks for that memory! Your house (except for the roof) looks pretty much like my mum’s near Tampa before I moved her out here to be closer to me. I’m so glad things are progressing and that you have stopped any further damage from the rains. Only wishing we could have had some of that rain here. Looks like you and hubby will have your work cut out for you once you get back to this side of the pond. 🙂

  5. Considering you are the pianist I thought you would have been singing:
    ‘Right said Fred, we’ll have to take the roof off, this here roof is gonna have to go.’

    …we was getting nowhere….etc etc…so Fred said…’ave a cup of tea…
    (or something like that)

  6. It’s an incredible view. I would have stuck with it too. Any home you purchase will have something that needs a repair or two. Yours happened to be a BIG-gy but once it’s completed you can move on to the next one. Eventually, you’ll be sipping a wonderful Cabernet on your patio and soaking in that fabulous view. Good Luck with everything. 😃

  7. Hi Sylvia,
    Great news that the roof is being repaired on the new house now. Cannot wait to hear about and see all the progress photo’s once you are back there and settling in again. Looking forward to those posts!

    Take care and regards