Gleaming Alligators for Ailsa’s Travel Theme

Ailsa’s Travel Theme ‘Gleaming’, reminded me of this image shot in Costa Rica as we boated down the river one sunny afternoon. Mr. Cayman looked to be swimming in molten gold. I couldn’t quite reach out and touch him, but not far off.


Here are a few baby alligators I saw at the Wakodahatchee Wetlands just down the road here. I did polish them up just a bit to make them ‘gleam for the theme’, but I’m sure their Mom would still recognise them.


Do you have any gleaming images? Just click the lips below to add yours.


60 comments on “Gleaming Alligators for Ailsa’s Travel Theme

  1. We just went to Costa Rica on our 50th anniversary cruise in May. We traveled through the Panama Canal up to South America ending in San Francisco. It was 18 days. We took a tour of the rainforest in CR and later went to see the crocodiles and capuchin monkey’s. I think I remember this big guy. They looked very dry compared to your luscious photo. A nice showcase of gleaming in this photo, Sylvia. 🐊

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