Sunday Trees: Mystery Tree Trunk Figurine

For Becca’s Sunday Tree Challenge, I have these photos of a very old tree we saw in the Plaza Francia whilst on a free walking tour of Buenos Aires.


I was intrigued by the mysterious figurine standing just inside the base of the trunk. I wonder who put it there, and why. I guess I’ll never know.


Happy Sunday to you all. 🙂


57 comments on “Sunday Trees: Mystery Tree Trunk Figurine

  1. Pingback: escreversonhar

  2. Now that’s some tree, Sylvia, and the statuette adds an air of mystery. It could be a shrine of sorts, as someone mentioned, or, someone with a devilish streak put it there just to mess with us. 😀

  3. Very curious indeed. I love that tree. It looks like a tree to be filled with magical fairies. Maybe they put the trinket there to guard their home? Snorts – a pig has a very vivid imagination as you can read ❤ XOXO – Bacon

  4. Oh, you are like me, Sylvia! I am a toss up between curious and nosy. Now, we may be detectives but this will undoubtedly remain a mysterious figurine. It is a puzzling choice. If I were leaving one, I would look for a squirrel, rabbit or other creature. . .
    Trees fascinate me in their growth and patterns, bark, leaves, stems and roots! 🙂 This one is beautiful.

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