One Word Sunday: Spiral

The subject of Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’ is Spiral. I immediately thought of this spiral staircase leading up to the Cabiria Restaurant at the Marriott Grand Hotel Flora in Rome. We were whisked up to the roof deck by elevator, but after dinner, even after a few glasses of wine, hubby and I decided that this was a far more exciting way to get back down to ground level. On my winding descent, I counted 186 steps.

Wishing you all a splendid Sunday and new week ahead. It seems impossible that we’re almost into September and with not a skerrick of travelling done this year.

Theresa Turtle Prepares For Motherhood

A couple of weeks ago I noticed that Theresa, our resident River Cooter turtle was digging a hole in our backyard. I went out to tell her that her efforts weren’t appreciated, but she ignored me and carried on anyway, so I left her in peace.


After googling to find out why she was doing this, I realized that she was preparing a nest in which to lay her eggs. The hole was soon filled in and the grass has since grown over it. I hope the baby turtles will hatch safely and be able to get out, as the mom’s job is done once she’s laid the eggs and she takes no further interest in her brood, so they have to fend for themselves. Apparently it’s a team effort and they take it in turns to dig their way out. Imagine if we humans did the same.

Feathers On Friday: Three of A Kind

For my ‘Feathers On Friday, I’m participating in Nancy Merrill’s ‘A Photo A Week Challenge’. This week it’s three photos of the same subject from different perspectives.

Mervin Muscovy duck is quite a striking looking bird who doesn’t visit our backyard very often,


When he saw me watching him, he turned his back, as if to say in his best Greta Garbo voice, ” No paparazzi please. I just vant to be alone.”


Some time later, I spotted him having a siesta just outside my bathroom window.


Wishing you all a splendid weekend.

If you would like to take part in Nancy’s challenge, Just click the link.


Mundane Macro Monday: Just Hovering

Actually, nothing in nature is ever mundane, but some things, especially the smaller  flying insects may sometimes escape our attention. The Halloween Pennant dragonfly is one of the most prolific and colourful found here in Florida. They don’t stay still for long, so one has to be very quick.


Wishing you all a very pleasant week.

A Photo A Week Challenge: Colourful

Nancy Merrill challenges us to post something really colourful for her ‘Photo A Week Challenge’.

I think this beautiful Monarch butterfly seen one day on my walk back down the path from the gym, qualifies.


We can post more than one photo, so I found a couple more from my travels. This is me in Phuket. The guy hanging free with his legs around my waist?…………Well, I never did get his name, but he brought me safely down again. What was I thinking? 😯


Not quite as adrenalin-pumping as the above experience, but exciting in its own way, is this colourful display of shoes in a New York store. Unfortunately, nothing I liked in my size.


Of course, sunsets are always good for a bit of colour and this one in Costa Rica was no exception.


To join in Nancy’s colourful challenge, just click this link.




Mr. Pelly Back In Winter Residence

Glancing out of the window this morning at breakfast, I was super excited to see that our first Pelican had arrived after a long summer absence. He was all alone on his branch, having a jolly good preen.


After quite a lot of effort, he sat back, well satisfied with his appearance. “Wow, look at me now! Even after that long flight from up north, not a feather out of place.”


I’m sure he’d been sent down in advance to check that the trees were still intact after Hurricane Irma passed through Florida in September, and he’s most probably already sent a Whatsapp to the rest of the gang, reporting that all is well.  I’m hoping that I’ll soon see more of these gorgeous birds decorating the branches.

Hope you’re all having a great weekend.


WPC: Christmas Eve Sunset Glow

For this week’s photo challenge, Jen H asks us to share a glowing image.

Last year, hubby and I took an Antarctic cruise to celebrate our Golden Wedding anniversary. On Christmas Eve as our ship sailed out of Punta Arenas, Chile, and we prepared ourselves for an evening of festivities, we were treated to the view of a most gorgeous, glowing sunset. One of the many special moments to remember from our amazing trip.


I hope you’re all enjoying a splendid week.