Red is for Valentines

On Saturday evening, hubby and I went to a wonderful Valentine’s dinner dance. After walking the red carpet, we entered the foyer which was decorated with, not hearts, but lanterns, and the message “Love….Romance” up in lights.


We had a great evening with delicious food and lots of dancing to a fantastic band.


Who would have imagined that when we threw in our lot together over fifty years ago, that our journey of love would take us from England to South Africa and now to Florida. Something that hasn’t changed over the years, is that I always wear red on Valentine’s day. Today, it’s a red shirt with jeans. Life is strange and wonderful, not to even mention full of surprises. Have you found the same?

Three years ago at a local wildlife reserve, we spotted two love birds wearing red on Valentine’s Day.  I think this pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks were making plans.


Wishing you all a love-filled day today.  ❤


66 comments on “Red is for Valentines

  1. What a wonderful couple you make. Dear Sylvia, you look amazing! ❤ Life is certainly full of surprises, and yes, I do believe those Red Shouldered Hawks definitely had one or two up their sleeve 😉 😀 xx

  2. How lovely! You looked fabulous on Valentines! I had the least romantic Valentines Day in years…working my butt off in Washington D.C. Sometimes one has to sacrifice 😉 But I had a wonderful luncheon in an upscale place with a great female friend I had not seen in five years. Love your Red-shouldered Hawk couple ❤

    • Thanks so much, Helen. Your luncheon sounds terrific. Our dinner dance was on Saturday and on the 14th, hubby gave me a special present. He removed the new loo from the dining area and finally installed it in the powder room, which is now looking fabulous. Can’t think of a better gift. 😀

  3. Over 50 years ago?? You must have found the fountain of youth! The hawks are pretty, second only to you in your pretty red dress.

  4. Aww! It’s lovely to hang out with you love birds 🙂 I ended up going for a romantic stroll on my own yesterday because Mick was working but I did cook him one of his favourite meals afterwards. I forgot a card this year and had to improvise! Shock, horror 🙂

  5. Lovely photo of you & your husband … Being together with one person is something to be treasured these days … We are coming up for forty years next year … Where did the time go!

  6. Happy Valentine’s dear Sylvia , such a lovely picture of you and husband together x Super captures of the hawks , they ALWAYS fly off as I get one in my sights lol . Fizz uncorked here chin chin 🙂

  7. This post added glory to today’s occasion.
    How wonderful, Lady Sylvia! It’s needless to point out the obvious- that you look glamorous in red. You truly have set an example for millions out there, for whom love has faded to forgetfulness.

  8. Who knows where we will end up? Met in Aus, asked to go to SA with him, ended up in UK and now here in Gib and Spain. My first (and only?!) Valentine card was at Tullamarine airport (Melbourne). We’ve never done showy Val Days but one year I took half the day off work so we could go up to the beach with the dogs. My secretaries were stunned.

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