Pull Up A Seat In Memory Of……

It’s time once more for XingfuMama’s ‘Pull Up A Seat Challenge’.

Our favourite local wildlife reserve is frequented by many elderly folk who come to admire the birds and generally just to sit and enjoy the peacefulness found in nature. Dotted along the boardwalk are benches donated by grateful families in memory of their loved ones who used to enjoy walking and resting here.


The benches are all very plain and serviceable,


but the view from this one is absolutely wonderful,


and sitting up there on the guard rail was this Little Blue Heron, having  a very cute bad hair day.


Happy Sunday to you all.

If you’d like to join in XingfuMama’s Pull Up A Seat Challenge, just click the link here.






62 comments on “Pull Up A Seat In Memory Of……

  1. Pingback: Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2019-Week 18 | XingfuMama

  2. One of the many pleasures of living in Florida is all the wonderful wildlife conservation areas that are available to enjoy. The first National wildlife refuge in the United States is located just a few minutes from where we live.

  3. I’d love to share that seat. The Little Blue Heron is one I’ve never seen. I don’t suppose they hang out here on the west coast much. 😦 (He IS very cute!)

  4. I like that American idea of dedicating benches to those gone. I’ve seen a few in central Park, one called my attention: “Everyday I wake up torn between the desire to save the world or savour the world.” A difficult choice isn’t it? 😉

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