Mundane Monday : Anyone for a round of Golf?

So, it’s official……….Mr. A isn’t the only alligator around here. Yesterday, whilst he was sunning himself on the opposite bank,


we spotted two more, just a short distance away on our side of the lake, right next to the the golf course! All three clearly visible from our patio.


Maybe I can kidnap one and take him over to the new place, without anyone noticing. What do you think of the plan? I’m sure the removals truck will be big enough, and there’ll be two strong guys to help lift him. On the other hand, if the two laying next to one another here are an item, there could well be some babies. Perhaps it’s a good job we’re moving .

I’m linking this to Photrablogger’s ‘Mundane Monday’ challenge. I’ve gotten so used to seeing Mr. A hanging around here, that the sight of his relatives is quite mundane. What a handsome lot they are! Wishing you all a very happy February. I think mine is going to be anything but mundane, the way things are shaping up. 🙂



136 comments on “Mundane Monday : Anyone for a round of Golf?

  1. LOL, we have a similar situation here Sylvia. The good news is if you don’t bother them, they don’t bother you. The bad news is unless you’re always on the alert you can get very close to them without realizing it. Hope the iphone-talking walkers keep their eyes on where they’re going!!

  2. Gosh, nothing mundane here Sylvia, but then there never is in your beautiful posts:-) Perhaps as others have said, it’s getting a bit crowed in this old neck of the woods….time for a swift move 😉

  3. I think you definitely need to kidnap one Sylvia! February is certainly looking like a crazy time for you. I hope you’re feeling better now, I was sorry to read earlier that you weren’t feeling too well. You need all the strength you can get and I’m sending you a big get well hug ❤ xo

    • Thank you for the well wishes. I’m feeling so much better now, which is just as well, as I have to play the piano tomorrow night for one of the club teams’ ‘victory’ song at a dinner. There’s always something to keep me busier than I already am. 🙂

  4. Quite mundane alligators indeed!!!! You can pack them since it adds an interesting element to the already beautiful golf course. Thank you for joining the MM challenge. And good luck with moving.

  5. I wonder if they eat golfballs for lunch….. I know you will miss them, but sort of not. You will have other wildlife and animals near your new home. .. no crocodile tears please 🙂

  6. Alligators might bring about changes in the rules of golf. My Dad played golf in Zambia, and one of the rules was that you could lift your ball out of a hippo foot print and back onto the grass!!

  7. I wonder how strict they are about the “play it where it lies” rule on that golf course?

    And I am all for re-introducing wildlife to areas where they used to occur naturally before man drove them out (wink-wink, nudge-nudge 😉 )

    • Hehehe. I’m not a golfer, so I wouldn’t know about that rule, Dries. It could be quite tricky. 🙂 Yes, I”m sure that the alligators have more right to be here than the humans have, after all, I read that they’ve been around for about 65 million years longer than we have.

  8. Awesome…you are most fortunate to have these fellows around. As long as they don’t get too close! 😉 I’ve visited my mother for the past ten years and in all that time only been fortunate to see a few and for the most part only a head. I guess better than not seeing any.

  9. In one hand, I think getting Mr. A to your new place would be a good idea. He can be your guard of your house. On the other hand, I do not think that is a good idea because I do not think he might look at you as his wonderful meal. Between these two, I think there are easy and more reliable ways to address security of your new house than hiring Mr. A.

  10. I really don’t think that creatures that might well snack on one are the right thing to have at the bottom of the garden. Come to think of it, we did have that in the Great Whites, but they couldn’t be seen so that was different.

  11. Find the nest and steal a couple of eggs to take with you. Just make sure you’re wearing a chain-mail suit and are carrying a big club when you do this because mummy and daddy alligators get a little cranky near nests. Easy as that! (and don’t forget to take photos) lol!

    These creatures are a little like cockroaches – for every one you see there are 50 close by that you can’t see. I know because I used to work in a crocodile farm many years ago (which was an interesting experience to say the least!)

    Happy February, Sylvia! xxx

  12. Oh – I just made the connection that we will have to met an entire new cast of characters with your impending move!! I’ll miss Mr. A! (and it never does any good to wonder how many more are lurking – I’m a big fan of what I don’t know won’t hurt me in this case!! LOL)

  13. So funny, what’s mundane for you would be very exotic for most of us! I need to go back and catch up because I didn’t know you were moving, or to where. I’ll go see if I can find the details. Good luck on your move! 🙂

  14. How funny you are Sylvia is it mating season for them? Now I’m wondering how many are in my friends “lake” she was told 2, one small one and the big one I saw. And yes I agree 3 would make a bit nervous too;). Great shots !!!!

  15. I wonder….perhaps they figured out your house was up for sale and are planning accordingly…..either to move in or to hop on that removal truck! 🙂

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