Red is for Valentines

On Saturday evening, hubby and I went to a wonderful Valentine’s dinner dance. After walking the red carpet, we entered the foyer which was decorated with, not hearts, but lanterns, and the message “Love….Romance” up in lights.


We had a great evening with delicious food and lots of dancing to a fantastic band.


Who would have imagined that when we threw in our lot together over fifty years ago, that our journey of love would take us from England to South Africa and now to Florida. Something that hasn’t changed over the years, is that I always wear red on Valentine’s day. Today, it’s a red shirt with jeans. Life is strange and wonderful, not to even mention full of surprises. Have you found the same?

Three years ago at a local wildlife reserve, we spotted two love birds wearing red on Valentine’s Day.  I think this pair of Red-Shouldered Hawks were making plans.


Wishing you all a love-filled day today.  ❤