Feathers On Friday: Bubo Returns

Since 2016, we have had sightings of Great Horned Owls in our backyard. One year, Bubo brought his mate along to stare at us through my bathroom window from their lofty perch in the palm tree, but today he was on his own.

I call him ‘Bubo’ short for his fancy name, ‘Bubo Virginianus’ named after the Virginia Colonies where this owl was first discovered in the 18th century. The first published description was made in 1788 by Johann Gmelin a German naturalist.

Despite him being so well camouflaged, hubby spotted him whilst we were enjoying our morning coffee. I think he was just resting a while, but with his eyes wide open so as not to miss anything. He definitely looked quite sternly at this person with the camera, as if to say, “Can’t a fella just have a bit of a relax, without the paparazzi showing up?”

Anyway, he’s gone on his way now. I really hope he shows up again. It’s such a treat to see him, especially in the daytime. I read that these owls can live for about 26 years so I’m sure he’ll be around for the foreseeable future.

Wishing you all a great and relaxing weekend.

Whatsoever Is Lovely Challenge Week # 22

XingfuMama has a really uplifting challenge for us. We are invited to step back for a few moments each week to find something lovely or to tell of a precious moment in our lives. A couple of days ago, after two days of almost continuous rain, I looked out of my kitchen window to be greeted by this beautiful sight. One of my orchids had been very busy preparing for its fair-weather debut and the twins were dressed in the most glorious attire.

There are so many things in life which fill us with joy and nature seems to provide me with something wonderful every day. Whilst I’ve been sitting on my sofa typing this, I’ve had one eye out of the window, watching the Great Blue Heron parents teaching their young one to fly. How blessed I am to have such creatures almost in my backyard.

If you have something lovely to report, be sure to click on this link. Hope your week is going really well.

Feathers On Friday: Woody On Lookout Duty

Woody wood stork is a large and heavy bird, over 40 inches tall and weighing approximately 7 lbs. Nevertheless, he manages to balance elegantly and effortlessly on a tree branch. I love to watch him in flight with his impressive wingspan and then see how he gracefully lands on exactly the branch of his choosing. His straight, pointed beak can be 9 inches long and is used for building a nest, procuring food and is also an Impressive combat weapon. He’s always a very welcome visitor to our backyard here in Florida.

Wishing you all a relaxing weekend and a very happy Mothers’ Day to all of you who are fortunate enough to be mothers.

One Word Sunday: Missing

Debbie’s theme for this One Word Sunday is ‘Missing’.

Someone who has been missing from my back yard landscape view for quite some time, is Alli-Baba. I don’t know where he’s been hiding during the pandemic, but he’s obviously safe and well and now back in business. He has grown quite a lot and isn’t such a ‘baba’ any more. Here we caught him just hanging out quite close to the bank, probably looking for dinner options. i sent hubby out to take the photo, because he’s tougher than me and doesn’t look as tasty. Only Alli’s head was visible above water, with the remainder of his large body hidden from view, but I’m sure you can imagine the missing eight to ten feet.

I hope your Sunday is a relaxing one and of course wish all of my American followers a very happy 4th of July.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Sunday’, just click the link.

Feathers On Friday: Ever Feel Like You’re Being Watched?

What could be better than one great-horned owl in your backyard? The answer is “A pair of great-horned owls.”

Be aware that you are under surveillance .

Wishing you all an ‘owlsome’ weekend.

Something Different In My Backyard

We have a new visitor in the form of Dillon the Armadillo. We couldn’t get too close as these creatures can jump three to four feet in the air if frightened, so it’s not a great photo taken with hubby’s iPhone.


The nine-banded armadillo is quite small and mostly nocturnal, so it was surprising to see him during the day. Now we know who is responsible for digging holes in the lawn. There’s always something new to see in nature if one is on the lookout.


One-liner Wednesday: First Water Lily Flower

This morning when I went out to feed my three goldfish, this is what I saw. Out of the dark depths, a beautiful flower had risen during the night to greet the day.


Every day, nature has more miracles to show us and often to astound us.

Wishing you all a wonder-filled Wednesday.

To join Linda’s ‘One-liner Wednesday’, just click the link.
