Friday snooping on a courting couple

My good friend ‘Restlessjo’ of the ever-wandering feet, had the temerity, or should I perhaps say “impertinence” to tell me that my speciality is “snooping on small creatures”! I guess she’s right, although I’ve never thought of myself as a ‘snooper’. I prefer to call it “observing and recording the peculiar habits of my Floridian Backyardigans.”

This morning, I was just walking to the laundry room, through the obstacle course which is my future living area, when I happened to glance out of my kitchen window. (Yes, it won’t be too long now before I actually have a kitchen.)  Ther in full view, was Ignatius stretched out in the sun on top of what I hope will one day be a beautiful water feature.


Creeping up on him was Igua, his great admirer.


She looked around to check whether Uncle Igasho was watching her advances, but he had abdicated his chaperone duties for the morning, and was  resting in the shade of a palm tree


The two iguanas sat sunning themselves in companionable silence for a while until hubby decided it was time for him to wheel his electric saw outside and make lots of noise cutting up pieces of wood. That put an end to my ‘snooping’, and the loving couple skedaddled as fast as their legs could go. Even Uncle Igasho woke from his daydreaming and retired to the safety of the reeds at the water’s edge. I think he looks slightly miffed at being disturbed.


Wishing you all a very happy and relaxing Fathers’ Day  weekend.






95 comments on “Friday snooping on a courting couple

  1. Haha…he does look a little bit miffed, I agree! You don’t need to watch television do you with all the amazing nature programmes right outside your kitchen window! 😀 I hope you had a wonderful Father’s Day weekend Sylvia 🙂 xx

  2. Hello Mrs. Snoop 🙂 Temerity indeed! I think you just proved it. Who’d be a courting couple in your neighbourhood? 🙂 Is the ‘old man’ getting the day off for Dad’s day tomorrow? It must be the only event that coincides in our 2 countries. You’ll obviously be taking him out to lunch… again 🙂

  3. I think you have the beginning of a soap opera there for sure. Your photos would make lovely books for kids. As a teacher I know kids always loved any books to do with lizards.

  4. “Floridian Backyardigans.” – a good title for your book. I really enjoy your tales and photos and must admit to chuckling over Jo’s comment 😉

  5. never a dull moment in your part of the world, Sylvia! I love it! 🙂 great captures! 🙂
    happy and wonderful father’s day weekend, too! 🙂

  6. Here in Germany Father’s Day is Long past. Seems every country celebrates another day. Then, happy Father’s Day to you. The animals are great, you will never get bored, you have the necessary patience and enjoy the time, I am sure. And we enjoy the Pictures.

    • Thanks so much, Anand. At the moment, I do have enough time on my hands to take photos of these weird neighbours. When I get my piano, it might be a different story. 🙂 Hubby says he will work on the house on Fathers’ Day. He did just get a lovely gift from our son though.

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