One Word Sunday: Patchwork

Debbie’s‘One Word Sunday Challenge’ is ‘Patchwork.

Here is one of my sister’s paintings still in progress. I think it fits the ‘Patchwork’ theme.


This colourful patchwork stool was seen on our travels outside a shop in Heidelberg.


Last but by no means least is a patchwork ‘Memory Bear’ made by a dear friend, out of my darling Mom’s favourite skirt and a purple top which I bought her as a birthday present. She made one for my sister and also one for my daughter.


Happy Sunday to you all.

To join in Debbie’s ‘One Word Challenge’, just click the link.


63 comments on “One Word Sunday: Patchwork

  1. Pingback: Drama – Travel with Intent

  2. LOVED your sister’s painting, Sylvia! How oft I’ve wished my hands could paint like that. I admire anyone who can paint well. As for the patchwork theme, Brava! You did beautifully!! xo

  3. A beautiful set of patchwork theme photos, Sylvia! I look forward to seeing your sister’s painting again when it is finished. I can see why that stool is chained against theft. It is unusual and colorful! The bear is very well done.

    • Thanks so much for your thoughtful comment, Lavinia. I’ll have to ask my sister whether she’s finished the painting. We should have been with her right now, but of course can’t travel now.

  4. Oh, you have lots of great examples here! My mom made a quilt (but just one layer, no batting or anything, more blanket really, I guess) from rectangles of material she’d used for making clothes when we were little. It was fun to see some of them and remember the piece of clothing.


  5. the patch bear with your mom’s favorite skirt and top is awesome, Sylvia. love your sister’s painting and hope to see it done. meanwhile to sit on the most colorful stool must be fun 🙂

  6. You have a marvelous eye for photography, Sylvia. Your post reminded me that our lives are a colourful patchwork of the memories of family and friends. I am grateful for our friendship – so many vibrant colours to start my week. Hugs and more hugs!

  7. Happy Sunday, Sylvia!
    They all fit nicely with the theme, and I love the painting, but my favourite of the three has to be the memory bear. What a lovely idea!

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