B&W Shoes and Feet at the Beach for Cee’s Challenge

“Anything with shoes or feet as the main focus of your photo” is Cee’s B&W Challenge this week.

I’ve chosen to be nostalgic and take a look at some shots from my beach in Umhlanga Rocks.  I’m really missing those almost daily walks along the promenade, when I could do a bit of people watching.


There were many different kinds of beach attire to be seen, but bare feet were usually the order of the day.


It was a great place to relax and read the Sunday papers,


or to just veg out and do nothing.


The perfect place to take the family pets for a walk.


If your feet get tired,  just kick off your shoes and watch the waves for a while.


The more energetic would go running along the promenade,


but the majority were more than content just to have a bit of relaxation from the daily grind.


I hope you’ve enjoyed my B&W trip down memory lane, or should that be “memory beach?” 😕


Sepia Saturday: Not the most comfortable of resting places.

Whilst on one of my walks, I noticed this bench near the lifeguard station was being used for a spot of sunbathing. Not the most comfortable place to lie down on, and when he gets up, he’s sure to have a few interesting lines down his back.


After seeing this, I started thinking about people who have no choice but to use public benches as makeshift beds. I’m sure we’ve all seen and pitied homeless people sleeping on park benches, and thought that it must be really difficult to get a good night’s rest on such a hard surface. I did a bit of research, and found out that some countries are making life even more difficult for these unfortunate people. For example, Honolulu, in an effort to reclaim its parks, beaches and bus stops for general pubic use, has replaced its benches with round stools just big enough for one person to sit on. Tokyo’s oldest park, Ueno Onshi, has come up with a rather unconventional design for the meagre few benches it provides. These have a steel partition down the middle, and the seat slopes downwards so that in order to not fall off, one has to place one’s feet firmly on the ground. Another type of bench designed to deter the homeless, is a hard tubular bench which is cold in winter and hot in summer. I found a happier story about some benches in Vancouver, which have been designed to fold out into miniature shelters at night. After all, shouldn’t cities, instead of working to make life even more untenable for these unfortunates, rather be asking themselves why some of their populace have no roof over their heads, and have to sleep out in the open? Shew!  All this thinking on my part came about from just one shot I took yesterday. I think I need to relax now. Wishing you all a great weekend.




Another Nostalgic Beach Walk for Jo.

Today I’ve been clearing more drawers and cupboards, and on Friday, the removals truck will arrive to take away the furniture which is going up to our daughter in Johannesburg. My beloved grand piano will also be going along for the ride. I know I’ll shed a tear to see it go, as we’ve been such good friends for the past 30+ years. Well at least I know it’s going to a very good home, and it’s not like I’ll never see it again.

Last Sunday, we actually found time to go for a walk, and of course I took a few pics along the way, for Jo’s challenge. There were many people with the same idea, and the dog walkers were really out in force. (Click on any image to enlarge and see gallery).

The ‘ice cream/everything you need for the beach’ lady was doing her impressive balancing act.


The ever hopeful fishermen were optimistically casting their lines.



The security guys were doing their job, but not getting much exercise.


A quick stop to admire the lighthouse.


Then it’s up onto the pier.


We’re now peering down from the pier at the sand sculptor, who is hoping for a few more romantics to give him twenty rands. If another one comes along, Shane will be history.  🙂


Good to see the lifeguards are watching out for the surfers at Bronze beach.


Here’s a weird looking animal, rearing up from the foliage.


Did you ever see such a red and white striped tree branch before? If you’re tall, please mind your head! Personally, I think they should just saw it off; the dead branch, not your head. 🙂


Time to turn around now and head back home for lunch. The beach is getting quite busy.


No stopping at the shop for a candy bar or ice cream; it will spoil your lunch, as my mom always used to tell me.


Looks like someone passed out here, but best not disturb his dreams.


Let’s just take off our sandals and stop for one last look at the ocean.


I hope you enjoyed walking with me. To see more walks for Jo’s challenge, just click here.

Jo’s Monday Walk Challenge: Up the hill, and back along the beach front.

If we need to buy just a few groceries, we go for a walk up to the village. So, it’s turn right out of the gate, across the road, and then up the steep hill which is very good for the calf muscles and the heart rate.


Click on any image to enlarge photos.

The lighthouse is having a fly past by some advertising banner.

The lighthouse is having a fly past by some advertising banner.

A perfectly peaceful way to spend a morning.

A perfectly peaceful way to spend a morning.

This lady has a very nice backrest, built by her kids.

This lady has found a very comfortable back rest.

A great place to sit and read the newspaper.

What a great place to sit and read the newspaper.

These ladies certainly won't need any sunscreen.

These ladies certainly won’t be needing any sunscreen.

The beach vendor is a man of many hats.

The beach vendor is a man of many hats.

This guy could do with a bit on his back, though.

This guy could do with a bit of sunscreen on his back.

Can you see the face on this huge rock? He doesn't look too friendly.

Can you see the face on this huge rock? He doesn’t look too friendly.

The stroller brigade are out in force today.

The stroller brigade are out in force today.

One more hilly bit, and we're almost there.

One more hilly bit, and we’re almost there.

Then it’s just a walk through the park and a wave to the monkey on the climbing frame, and we’re back home.


I hope you enjoyed your walk with me. To see more entries for Jo’s challenge, and also join her one her Monday walk this week, just click here.



Amusing Signs for Sue’s Word a Week Challenge.

Sue has asked us to share some signs for this week’s challenge. I’m always on the lookout for signs, and have been known to demand that hubby slam on brakes when I spot a good one.

Travelling through Cornwall last August, I was intrigued by this one, and it wasn’t even as though Christmas was just around the corner.


My sister sent me this one after a visit to her local grocery store. Obviously spelling wasn’t this sign writer’s best subject at school. It did make me giggle though.


Half way along our beach promenade is a restaurant run by the Life Savers Association. I would happily pay to ring the bell if Dolphins should appear whilst I was eating breakfast there.


Since our return here a few weeks ago, I’ve noticed a distinct lack of Doggy Doo along the beautifully paved promenade. I wonder if this sign has anything to do with the cleaner environment.


I’m quite infamous for getting lost, and this signpost in San Pedro would make me even more confused than usual. The ‘STOP’ sign is probably the one I should take the most notice of. I’m sure if I just stood still for a while, hubby would be sure to find me.

San Pedro, Belize

San Pedro, Belize

Today I’ve been so busy in the house, cleaning, washing, and sorting out stuff to take with us and deciding what to give away, as we start to pack for our move. I could really do with one or both of these buttons.

Lanhydrock House, Cornwall

Lanhydrock House, Cornwall

I know one shouldn’t laugh at people’s tombstones, but this one in the graveyard next to the O.K.Corral in Arizona, did make me giggle. Poor old Lester; what a way to go.

OK Corral, Tombstone, Arizona

OK Corral, Tombstone, Arizona

My Sister-in-Law in England has two Irish sons who absolutely fit this advertisement posted out on her deck. I don’t know how much they charge, but whatever it is,  you’d certainly get your money’s worth.


So there you have eight signs to choose from. My favourite would be the Kitchen Maid one. What’s yours?

To take part in Sue’s challenge, just click here.