Feathers On Friday: Is It A Bird, Is It A Plane?

It’s Mr. GBH heading for home after a good day’s fishing.

It’s been a good week and on Wednesday, hubby and I were fortunate enough to receive our first Covid19 vaccinations. Our second ones are scheduled for early March, so now I feel much more relaxed about the family coming to visit in early April. Wishing you all a relaxing but fruitful weekend.

Feathers On Friday: Gentle Neighbours

On our morning walk, Muriel Muscovy approached me with that “Do you have any treats for me?” look on her face. Sad to say, all I had in my pocket was a tissue.


I invited her to come join the ducks under my bird feeder, where there are always lots of  seeds scattered in the grass.


She might even meet Mr Blue Jay who is also a frequent visitor, The more the merrier.


Wishing you all a lovely weekend, as peaceful as the wildlife in my backyard.


Feathers On Friday: Peri Shelters In Place

We’ve had four pelicans vacationing in the trees at the side of our lake for the winter. This week, we noticed that Peri was on his own. I think his three relatives had managed to get a flight back up north before the COVID-19 travel restrictions came into force. He must have decided to stay and enjoy the warmth of Florida for a while longer.

Now he pretty much has the lake with its abundant fish, all to himself.


I can almost see him smiling here as he frolics around practising take-offs


and landings.


For the moment, life is good and social distancing is no problem for him, as there isn’t much wildlife or even human activity around here at the moment. I feel as though we’re all holding our collective breath in unison, waiting for the next gripping episode.


Wishing you all a safe and peaceful weekend.



Feathers On Friday: Nothing Goes To Waste

Danny and Daisy stopped by for a quick snack. They’ve obviously heard of our ‘Birdie Bistro’ and are happy that the smaller birds are such messy eaters, frequently knocking seeds out of the feeder onto the grass.


After eating their fill, they were soon off on their Friday meander around the neighbourhood.


Wishing you all plain sailing this weekend; calm and peaceful like Danny and Daisy.

Ruffled Feathers On Friday

Mr GBH looks as though he Halloween-partied quite hard last night and hasn’t yet got around to smoothing down his tousled feathers. I think the bed-head look quite suits him though.


Wishing you all a great weekend and a November filled with gratitude.
