Six Word Saturday: Oh, There You Are, Grandpa Igasho!

I’ve been a bit concerned for grandpa’s safety, as I haven’t seen his orange beacon up in the trees for about a week. A couple of days ago, he made a welcome appearance outside my bathroom window, so I knew he’d managed to steer clear of the Iguana Control man’s pellet gun.


I hope Igasho realizes that he really shouldn’t be ‘sticking his head above the parapet’ and goes back to his tree safe house.

Click this link to be taken to Debbie’s ‘Six Word Saturday Challenge’.


Feathers On Friday: Mr. Peli Just Flew In

Mr Peli has just arrived to check out the lodging conditions for the winter season and I’m sure his friends aren’t far behind.


Looks like Grandpa Igasho will have to share his tree for a while. I hope they get along together.


Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.

One Liner Wednesday: I will survive.

I’m happy to report that Grandpa Igasho is still alive and well…… and would you just look at the length of that tail!


He’s found his safe place where no Iguana Control person can reach him. Look to the right of the arrow. One would have to not only brave our resident alligator, but also be an agile tree climber to get to him.


Hope your week is going as well as Igasho’s is.

For Linda’s ‘One liner Wednesday’.

The Elusive Grandpa Igasho

Recently, I’ve been feeling quite doleful because of the hunting down and killing of iguanas in our neighbourhood, so it was a real relief yesterday to see Grandpa Igasho in our backyard. I first took a photo out of my bathroom window so as not to scare him away.


Then I crept outside, opening the screen door very quietly. He didn’t move and inch, so I guess he must have known that I meant him no harm and was only going to shoot him with my camera.


He really is a beautiful specimen and I’d miss him so much if he were to fall prey to the Iguana Control man who patrols here with his shot gun on a regular basis.


Alas, I don’t speak ‘Iguana’, or I’d tell him to set up camp in my backyard where, because I haven’t contributed to paying for the extermination of him and his mates, he would be untouchable.

Happy Sunday, everyone.





Grandpa Igasho Comes To Visit

I’m afraid I’ve been rather absent from the blogs lately. Since our return from South Africa and England, we’ve driven up from Florida to see our family in New Jersey, calling in on friends in North Carolina for a couple of days. I had a wonderful birthday weekend with our son and family, but unfortunately we had to curtail our trip somewhat, as just before we left, I went to see an eye surgeon, who confirmed that my left eye has now developed a macular hole, just as my right eye did late last year. Today I go in for surgery and am sure it will be just as successful as the op I had done In South Africa. Many years ago, my dear Granny had eye problems and eventually became blind. I’m so grateful that there are such wonderful eye specialists and surgical procedures these days.  Living today, we are so fortunate that medical science has progressed so far.

This morning, Grandpa Igasho appeared outside my bathroom window to wish me good luck.


I told him that soon I’ll be able to see him with both eyes, and I’m sure he understood perfectly.


Wishing you all a very happy weekend. I’ll see you on the flip side.